Keeping updated on local and worldwide legal climate
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit, United Kingdom is bound to face many legal changes that are critical to the legal consulting industry. Thus, the primary success factor is to have an up-to-date, strong understanding of the law and legal procedures to be able to provide fast, effective, and on-point consulting services.

Legal climate in all countries are now more complex and evolving than ever with colliding principles all around the globe and changing cultural and commercial values. In this highly reactive environment, it is a key to both follow the changes and news on legal procedures and regulations very closely, and to have the necessary insight and experience to foresee upcoming challenges and problems on legal matters and policy changes.
To become a prominent legal consulting firm that promotes and contributes to the improvement of the legal culture and the understanding of legal problems the humanity faces worldwide, as well as contributing to the society in forefront fields such as artificial intelligence and maritime law, while defending the rights of firms and individuals in the best possible way.

Client focus and honesty
In the legal consulting sector, trust is the most important aspect of the client relations as the topic of consultation tends to bear high risk for the clients. In such a relationship, it is critical for consultants to signal genuine interest and effort in the individual cases to achieve high customer satisfaction. Ubiquitas offers to you that an expert legal advisor with more than 11 years of experience in developing strategy, planning legal processes, gathering legal information and documentation, analysing and meeting the legal requirements of companies in multinational disputes especially in the Turkish judiciary. Being reliable, well organised, and multitasking in strategy and planning are our keywords. The excellent command of international conventions, up to date legal literature, country specific legislation, and case law to ensure compliance with legal requirements at all times. In addition to the consultancy services Ubiquitas undertakes for the protection of the interests of commercial businesses and multinational companies. Ubiquitas has also fully secured the trust of individual clients in Turkish courts and works well in teams to offer legal advice and advocacy on the rights of NGO’s and vulnerable parties in environments of conflict.
Offering competitive rates and discounts
The UK’s consulting market is huge and incredibly competitive with a large number of players of different sizes and services. To nourish early growth and acquire a significant market share, offering discounts and promotions for returning clients and referrals.
In response to the recent pandemic conditions, the legal counsel services will be offered with option to hold phone or video conferences.
If you are looking for expert in London, then contact Ubiquitas Ltd. We will be happy to discuss your case.
Call us on +44 7564 804036 to speak to our lawyer or email us on